Thursday, September 19, 2013

Introduction to Paint.Net

About Paint.Net

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.

Paint.Net is designed to work with raster images (e.g. photo's) so can be categorized along side with pay-for image editing applications such as Photoshop and Paintshop Pro. 
Some key features of Paint.Net include:
     Image Cropping, re-sizing
     Output to different image formats
     Functions such as red-eye removal and artistic effects
     Drawing functions (e.g. freehand brush, shapes, curves, fill tool)
     Basic tool text
     Layered images (an image can be constructed from two or more images stacked in front of each other)

Paint.NET Introduction 
1. Open Paint.NET
Double-click on the Paint.NET icon if present on your desktop. 
2. Open background image (pond)
First, you're going to open a photograph of a pond. To this, we will add a couple of ducks. 
Select File > Open... , press CTRL + O or click the file open icon
Browse to the S:\Share\_Bucci\\Pond and select pond.jpg and click Open 
3. Save the file
In order to maintain the highest image quality and work with layers, the file needs to be saved in the Paint.NET format (.pdn). This is a proprietory format (don't worry - the final output can be saved later in a number of alternative formats), with a similar purpose to (but not compatible with!) Photoshop .psd or Paint Shop Pro .psp files. 
            Select File > Save As... (or CTRL + SHIFT + S)
In the File Name: box, type a name for the file (e.g. pondimage)
Browse to the folder H:\My Documents\Technology 6,7, or 8\Images
In the Save as type: drop-down box select Paint.NET (*.pdn)
Select Save 
4. Add a duck
This section introduces the concept of layers and transparency.
Select Layers > Import From File...
You should be taken straight to the S:\Share\_Bucci\\ directory, if not then browse to it as before
Select duck.pdn and click Open
The 'Layers' palette (at the bottom-right of the Paint.NET screen by default) now displays 2 layers with a background layer ('pond') and a second layer 'duck'. Layers take precedence the further up the stack they are (so on the main image, the duck is not obscured by the pond). 
If you cannot see the layers palette, select Window > Layers or press F7
Now save your file – select File > Save , CTRL + S or click the file save icon     
5. Select, resize and move the duck
Selecting the duck
The 'duck' layer should be selected (has a moving dashed border around it). If it isn't, do the following:
Ensure the 'duck' layer is highlighted (grey)
  Click the 'Rectangle Select' tool in the 'Tools' palette (on the right of the screen)
You're going to 'draw' a selection rectangle around the duck:
1. Click and hold the area where you want the top-left of the rectangle to start
2. Move the cursor to where you want the bottom-right corner to be and release the mouse button. You should now have a rectangle around the duck
3. If the whole duck is not within the rectangle, select Edit > Deselect, the deselect icon  or CTRL + D – then repeat steps 1 and 2. 
Moving the duck
From the 'Tools' palette, ensure that the 'Move Selected Pixels'  icon is selected
Click and hold anywhere inside the selection rectangle (away from the edges though) and move the duck to somewhere on the pond to the right of the image, below the island
You should now have a duck selected that looks similar to:

Resizing the duck
Move the mouse cursor over one of the corners of the rectangle so that it changes to a hand cursor
Hold down the SHIFT key and click and hold the rectangle corner
Move the cursor towards the center of the rectangle to make the duck smaller (moving it the other way will make it larger
Release the mouse button when you're happy with the size
Keeping the shift key held down during this process 'constrains proportions'. This means that the image doesn't become 'stretched'
You can re-position the duck in the same way as before
Now save your file

Download and install application

Friday, September 13, 2013


 Our assignment for today is to get set up with a edublog page.  We will be using our edublogs pages to keep links, post assignments, post responses, etc.  Eventually we will be creating a blog portfolio of our work from this year.

First of all, let's go to    and click

Create a user name and password (ex: try using using your current username)

Next create your domain (ex:

Next choose student for blog type, type in human verification: and check the box I Agree with Terms of Service
Click Start Blogging.
Congratulations!! You have just created your page.  Please write down your domain, username and password.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Setting Up Your Folders and Getting Started

Setting Up Your Folders and Getting Started 
Today we are going to be setting up a folder, and saving some items to a specific folder. 

First of all, double click on "Computer" on the desktop.  You will see a hard drive called "username” (H:)" -- meaning that the drive named "Username" is on Drive H:.  
Double-click on “Username” (H:)
Double-click on “My Documents”
Click File on the Menu bar and choose New > Folder.  

Give the folder the name Technology 6, Technology 7 or Technology 8 based on grade.  This will be the folder where you will save your work, save your class documents, and download pictures for projects, etc.

Next we will practice saving an item (the Red Devil picture) from the Internet to your folder:
Right-click on the picture of the Red Devil and choose Save Image As.. (or something like Save Picture As, depending on the browser that you're using)

Click the drop down arrow in Save in: Select usename (H:) from the list of drives available. 
Next, choose the My Documets folder. Then select the folder you created earlier (Technology 6, Technology 7 or Technology 8). Finally, click "Save".  The picture should now be saved in your folder.

Now we will set up some basic folders that you can use to help keep your work organized this year: Go back to the "Computer" icon on the desktop and open Username (H:) (if it's not already open).   Double-click My Documents, then Double click Technology 6,7 or 8 folder.  You should see one item in there now (the Red Devil graphic).
Click File on the Menu bar and choose New > Folder.
Name this folder "Pictures".
Right-click in the open area of the window (NOT on the Red Devil or the Pictures folder) and choose New > Folder.
Name this folder "Portfolio".
Drag the Red Devil graphic to the Pictures folder.  You should be able to double-click the Pictures folder and see the graphic in there.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Technology 6,7,8

Technology 6,7, 8                                                                                                             2012-2013

Teacher: Mr. Bucci Email:  Phone: 914-737-4542     Room 321

Course Description: Technology 6,7,8 are courses encompassing a variety of high-end computer technologies including graphic design (Paint.Net), video editing/production (Movie Maker / EzVid) 3D Graphic Design (Sweet Home 3D) and web design (using a variety of tools).  Also performed in this course wil be several STEM (Science, Technology, Engineerining & Math) units. The course is designed to introduce a variety of tools and techniques which students can use to enter or prepare for a career, or to introduce them to a field study they can pursue in college or trade school.

 Class Website:   The class website grade 6 ( grade 7 ( grade 8 ( include supplemental materials, tutorials, video clips, useful links, resources, assignments, extra credit opportunities, etc…

 Classroom Expectations:

1.        Respect Individuals: Disruptive behavior, profanity, or degrading comments will NOT be tolerated.  I make respect the number one priority in my classroom.  Respect yourself, each other, and the teacher.

2.      Respect all property: Treat the equipment, the furniture, the classroom, other people’s computer files, and each other’s personal property with respect.  Do not remove or change things without permission.

3.      Be Prepared to use Learning Time: Bring necessary folders, pen/pencil, etc… daily!  Leave all unnecessary materials (phones, food, drinks, candy, iPods, etc..) elsewhere.

Methods For Evaluation Of Student Achievement

Basis for course grades may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.        Attendance, punctuality, and staying on task
            2.       Class participation
            3.       Teacher evaluation of attention given to assignments
            4.       Periodic checking for neatness and completeness of       notes/handouts
            5.       Completion and promptness of assignments due

 Grading Policy

Remember: I don’t give grades, I just keep score.  If you are under 60%, I didn’t fail you – you failed yourself.  You earn grades in my class.  Please continuously monitor your grade in my class and notify me immediately if there if there are any discrepancies.  I will correct them immediately.

Things you will need to have (or be able to borrow) for this class:

·         A 2GB+ USB/Flash Drive (inexpensive and available at K-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc…) to copy software to install at home or to transfer work back and forth.

·         A folder for printed projects, handouts (like this one) notes, etc…

·         Headphones (if you like to utilize sound and/or music)

·         A digital still or video camera (we have some available for check out)

Some things you need to know about this class

·         This is a rigorous course with numerous assignments in each unit.  Assignments build upon skills learned in earlier projects.  Missing assignments (or classes) can cause you to fall behind, making it difficult to catch up or pass the course.

·         I take my courses very seriously and I expect students to use class time effectively.  Students who are repeatedly off-task, causing disruptions, are not completing assignments or breaking class rules will be removed from my class.

·         Do not bring food or drinks into my classroom or the computer lab.  The only equipment / facility damage we have experienced in two years was caused by spilled food and drinks.

Projects in Technology

Projects in Technology
During the course of the school year, we will be exploring a variety of technologies and programs.  I try to select software that is the “industry standard” or uses the same types of tools and/or techniques.  I also attempt to target different areas of interest (Office applications, graphics, 3D, video editing, etc…) We will also be performing several STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) units.

Some of the concepts we will be covering this year include:

·         Computer Hardware and Maintenance
·         Keyboarding
·         Internet Search Strategies
·         Email using Google Mail (Gmail)
·         Blogging using Blogger
·         Using Google Docs
·         Word Processing using Microsoft Word
·         Spreadsheets Using Microsoft Excel
·         Presentations Using Microsoft PowerPoint
·         Brochures Using Microsoft Publisher
·         Paint.Net for editing/retouching photos
· for production pieces (i.e. magazine covers, movie posters, etc.)
·         3D Home Design using Sweet Home 3D
·         Video Editing using Windows Movie Maker
·         Bride Design using West Point Bridge Builder

We will also be performing several STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) units.

·         Structures - Marble Maze
·         Balsa Bride/Tower Design
·         Magnetic Levitation
·         Flight – Water Rockets

During the course of the year, we will also be building an online portfolio by uploading our finished projects to a Blogger page.  The portfolios will include a finished copy of the project and a description of the tools and techniques used to create that project.  I am always open to suggestions for improving my classes.  If you have ideas for software that should explore, projects we should try, or even suggestions for guest speakers, please feel free to let me know.  This is a rigorous class requiring a lot of motivation, but it can also be very exciting!

Please check out our class web page ( for updates, contact information, and more.
** This site is still partially under construction **

Thank you!

Frank Bucci
Technology Teacher - Peekskill Middle School
Peekskill City School District