Monday, March 25, 2013

Get Caught Up Day

Today we will use the time to make sure we are current on all our work.  I will facilitate around the room to help you all individually.  All instructions for for all the assignments are listed at the bottom of the blog page.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Famous Bridge Report

Task: To conduct a Quick Report using Microsoft Word on a famous bridge of choice. The criteria for the report are listed below: 

What is the name of the bridge?
Must have two pictures of Famous Bridge

What is the name of the bridge?
Must have a picture of the bridge

When and where was the bridge built?
What is the height and length of bridge?
Who was the architect(s) or who built the bridge?
What type of architecture characterizes the bridge? Is the architecture an arch, beam, suspension, cable-stayed, cantilever, or moveable design?
Who was the architect?

List of Famous Bridges:

Clifton Suspension Bridge                                 Humber Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge                                                    Golden Gate Bridge
Akashia- Kaikyo Bridge                                      Sydney Harbour Bridge
Storbaelt Bridge                                                   Le Pont De Normandie Bridge
Tsing Ma Bridge                                                    The Rialto Bridge
Forth Rail Bridge                                                   Innoshima Bridge
George Washington Bridge                              New River Gorge Bridge
Francis Scott Key Bridge                                  Ting Kau Bridge
Verrazano Narrows Bridge                               King Fahd Causeway Bridge
The Firth of Forth Bridge                                   Oakland Bay Bridge
The George P. Coleman Bridge                       Nan Pu Bridge

10 Tallest Bridges in the World

List of Longest Bridges in the World  

Click on Picture to View Sample